HongQuMi (grains)

HongQuMi (grains)

【Trade Name】HongQuMi (grains) 

【Origin】The dry rice that fungi Monascus purpureus Went are Parasitic on. 

【Description】Reddish brown, gains. 

【Indications】High blood lipids, high blood pressure; Postpartum lochiorrhea, abdominal pain; dyspeptic fullness, indigestion,

poor appetite; osteoporosis, climacteric syndrome; hypoimmunity; diabetic nephropathy syndrome. 

【Dosage and Administration】6g per adult orally, 1~2 times daily, applying and taking as tea.

【Packages】Big bag containing 10 bag with 6g each.

【Storage】Store in dry container, prevent from mildew and moth.

【Validity】36 months.

【Executive Standards】[TCM Pharmacopoeia of Jiangsu] (2002), [Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China] Part I

and IV

【Bioactive Constituent Studies】 monacolins, monascus pigments, polysaccharides, etc.


【Pharmacological Studies】 1. Strong reduction in total cholesterols (lipids); 

2. Inhibition of mitochondrial peroxidation; 

3. Reduce blood press; 

4. Osteoporosis prevention; 

5. Promote the body's absorption of calcium, phosphorus and other elements ; 

6. Non specific immune enhancement; 

7. Promote the body's absorption of calcium, phosphorus and other elements.

【Other Studies】

  1. 1.Aqueous exact studies: 


  2. 2. HPLC profiles studies:
