QingGuo (powders)

QingGuo (powders)

【Trade Name】QingGuo (powders)

【Origin】Dry fruits of Canarium album Raeusch.

【Description】Dark gray, powders.

【Indications】 Acute and chronic pharyngitis, sore throat, aphthous ulcerCough with sputum, cough with itching; Acute and chronic hepatitisDiarrhea, bacillary dysenteryAcute inflammatory dermatosis (topical use); Diabetes.

【Dosage and Administration】6g per adult, 2 times daily. Filling the attached teabag with the powders,then applying and taking as tea.

【Precautions】Administrated not for glaucoma patient.

【Packages】Box containing 10 bag with 5g.

【Storage】Store in dry place.

【Validity】36 months.

【Executive Standards】[Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China] Part I and IV

【Bioactive Constituent Studies】



2Triterpenes, lignans, etc.;  

3Polyphenols, organic acids, etc.

4Volatile oil.

【Pharmacological Studies】 

1. Convergence, anti-inflammatory and reduce skin wound exudation;

2.Anti-hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and liver protection;

3.Anti-bacterial and antiviral;

4.Increasing salivary secretion;

5.Relieving cough and eliminating phlegm;

6.Inhibiting alpha glucosidase activity.

【Other Studies】

1. Aqueous exact studies:

(1) The amount of aqueous exacts (at 37 oC) for the product could be increased by 10%;

(2) The HPLC profiles of the product were identical with origin.

2. Stability study: This study indicated that the product validity could reach more than 60 months.